
Book chapters


M. Topić (2022). Gender in Strategic Communication: Feminization, Stereotypes and a Search towards Excellence. In – Falkheimer, J., & Heide, M. (eds), Research Handbook of Strategic Communication. London: Edward Elgar Publishing.

M. Topić (2021). Public relations theories: Communication, Relationships and Persuasion. In – Tench, R., & Waddington, S. (eds) Exploring Public Relations, 5th edition. Longman: Pearson.

M. Topić; M. Polić (2021). Fashion Public Relations. In – Tench, R., & Waddington, S. (eds) Exploring Public Relations, 5th edition. Longman: Pearson.

M. Topić (2017). Public Relations Theories: An Overview. In – Tench, R., & Yeomans, L. (eds.) Exploring Public Relations: Global Strategic Communication, 4th edition. Longman: Pearson.


M.Geiger Zeman, M.Topić, M. Holy (submitted). Which witch is the which”?
An Overview of the Witch Figure in the Second Wave and Contemporary
(Eco)Feminisms. In – Djurdjevich, G., & Marjanic, S. (eds), Ecofeminism and Mythology: Comparative Perspectives. London: Palgrave.

M.Topić (accepted). Foreword: Celebrating Interdisciplinarity. In – Geiger Zeman, M., Holy, M., & Chmiel, M. (eds), Beauty Industry: Gender, Media and Everyday Life. Bingley: Emerald.

M. Topić, M.Chmiel (accepted). Networking, Women, Freelancing, and Work-Life Satisfaction among UK Mass Communication Professionals. In – Anton, A., & Moise, R. (eds), Gender and Freelancing in the Communication Industries. Experiences, practices, discourses. Bingley: Emerald.

M. Topić, I. Kostopoulos (accepted). The Environmental Cost of Vanity: An Ecofeminist Analysis of the Beauty Industry, the Consumer Behaviour and Environmental Attitudes. In – M. Geiger Zeman, M. Chmiel, & M. Holy (eds), Beauty Labour: Gender, Industry and the Everyday Life. Bingley: Emerald.

M.Topić (2025). Preface: Overcoming Geographic Discrimination in Research. In – Holy, M., Budak, J., & Medić, R. (eds), Creativity 360°: Exploring the Dynamics of the Creative Industries in Southeast Europe. Bingley: Emerald.

M. Geiger Zeman, G.-M. Miletić, M. Topić (2025). Wellbeing and gender differences in PR and Communication sector in Croatia: Descriptive analysis of interpersonal relationships, work-life (in)balance and experiences of discrimination. In – Holy, M., Medić, R., Budak. J. (eds). Creativity 360°: Exploring Creative Everyday Dynamics in Southeast Europe and Beyond. Bingley: Emerald.

R. Tench, M. Topić (2024). Education Agent. Navigating UN Sustainability Goals with Strategic Communication and Corporate Responsibility in an Evolving Media Landscape. In – Romenti, S. (ed), Inside Nuvola Lavazza: A hub for Strategic Communication, Company Values, and Vision. Milan: Bocconi University Press.

M. Topić (2024). Foreword to the book: Why Do We Need Ecofeminism? In – Djurdjevic, G., & Marjanic. S. (eds), Ecofeminism on the Edge: Theory and Practice. Bingley: Emerald.

M. Topić, R. Tench (2020). Women in Public Relations: A Thematic Analysis of ECM Data (2009-2019). In – Theofilou, A. (ed), Women in Public Relations History. London: Routledge.

M. Topić (2020). Ekofeministička analiza vrijednosti i filozofija globalnih eko-selâ: Jesu li žene sklonije kolektivizmu i anti-hijerarhiji nego muškaraci? (An Ecofeminist Analysis of Values and Philosophies of Global Eco-villages: Are Women More Inclined towards Collectivism and anti-hierarchy than men?). In – Ekofeminizam: Od zelenih do ženskih studija (Ecofeminism: From Green to Women’s Studies), Đurđević, G., & Marjanić, S. (eds). Zagreb: Durieux (In Croatian).

R. Tench, M. Topić (2018). Strategic Competencies. In – Heath R.L., & Johansen, W. (eds). Encyclopedia of Strategic Communication, 3 Volume Set.  W. N.Y.: Wiley-Blackwell. 

S.Sremac; Z. Popov-Momčilović; M. Topić; M. Jovanović (2015). For the Sake of the Nations: Media, Homosexuality and Religio- Sexual Nationalisms in the Post-Yugoslav Space. In – S. Sremac, & R. R. Gazenvoort (eds.), Religious and Sexual Nationalisms in Central and Eastern Europe: Gods, Gays and Governments. Leiden: Brill.

M. Topić (2013). European Identity and the Far Right in Central Europe: A New Emerging Concept or a New European ‘Other’? In – Radeljić, B. (ed.), Debating European Identity: Bright Ideas, Dim Prospects. Oxford: Peter Lang.

M. Topić (2012). Deconstruction of the Religious Narrative: Antemurale Christianitatis and the Construction of Difference. In – Knežević, N., & Sremac, S. (eds.), Demitologizacija religijskih narativa na Balkanu:Uloga Religija u (post) konfliktnom društvu i pomirenju. Novi Sad: Centre for research of religion, politics and society.

M. Topić (2011). Nation Formation and Europeanization as a Conflict of Tradition and Modernization: Croatia’s Case Revisited. In – Ichijo, A. (ed.), Europe, Nations and Modernity. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

M. Topić (2010). Europeanization vs. Balkanization: Modernization and Identity Fragmentation in Croatia. In – Božić, M.; Golubović, S. (eds.), Balkan u procesu Evrointegracije: Unutarregionalni odnosi. Niš: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and Center for Sociological Research.


M. Topić-Rutherford (submitted). Introduction – Food Issues: The Power of Communication, Public Relations and the (missing) Culture of Responsibility. In – Topić-Rutherford, M., & Geiger Zeman, M. (eds), Food and Sustainability: Communication, PR and the Culture of Responsibility. Bingley: Emerald.

M. Topić-Rutherford (submitted). ‘Go easy with bread, eat potatoes instead’ – Food Rationing Behavioural Change Campaign of the UK Government (1940-1954). In – Topić-Rutherford, M., & Geiger Zeman, M. (eds), Food and Sustainability: Communication, PR and the Culture of Responsibility. Bingley: Emerald.

M. Topić-Rutherford (submitted). PR in a Time of Dissent: Political PR of the Croatian People’s Movement in the 19th Century Dalmatia. In – St John III, B., Kazmi, S., & Foust, J. (ed), Public Relations in Times of Dissensus: Narratives, Artifacts and the Challenges of Meaning. Lanham: Lexington Books.

M. Topić, M. Geiger Zeman, G. Round (submitted). “They don’t promote it, in the capitalist society that promotes the meat industry” – Echo Chambers and Media Mistrust among Women Vegans in the UK and Croatia: A Contribution to the Debate on the Social Responsibility of the Media. In – Todorović, M., & Idowu, S. (eds), Sustainability and CSR in the Media. London: Springer.

A.Theofilou, M. Topić (2025). Introduction. In – A.Theofilou, & M. Topić (eds), Histories of Political Public Relations: From Propaganda to Public Health. London: Routledge.

M. Topić (2025). ‘The British public is not to be sneezed at’ – The Role of Social Class and Campaign Colours in the UK’s ‘Coughs and Sneezes’ Public Health Behavioural Change Campaign (1931-1960). In – A. Theofilou, & M. Topić (eds), Histories of Political Public Relations: From Propaganda to Public Health. London: Routledge.

M. Topić (2023). Introduction: An Ecofeminist Perspective on Women and the Media in Capitalism and Socialism. In Topić, M (ed), Women and the Media in Capitalism and Socialism: An Ecofeminist Inquiry. London: Intellect.

M. Topić (2022). Introduction: Is it a One Big Habitus? In – M. Topić (ed), Towards a new understanding of masculine habitus and women and leadership in public relations industry. London: Routledge.

M. Topić (2022). “… I have found with women I have had some really good female bosses, but a lot of them can get quite bitchy…” Leadership Styles, Socialisation and Blokishness in Public Relations Industry in England. In – M. Topić (ed), Towards a new understanding of masculine habitus and women and leadership in public relations industry. London: Routledge.

M. Topić, G. Lodorfos (2021). Introduction. In – Topić, M., & Lodorfos, G. (eds), The Sustainability Debate: Policies, Gender and the Media. Bingley: Emerald.

R. Tench, M. Topić (2017). Evaluating CSR, Sustainability and Sourcing within the UK Supermarket Industry: The Case of Waitrose/John Lewis Partnership. In – Eweje, G., & Bathurst, R. (eds.), CSR, Sustainability and Leadership. London: Routledge.

M. Topić (2014). Taste, Kitsch and the Geek rock: A Multiple Modernities view. In – Willis, V., & DiBlasi, A. (eds.), Guitars and Geeks: An Exploration of the Music and Culture of Geek Rock. New York: Scarecrow Press, Rowman & Littlefield Group.

M. Topić (2015). Holocaust Denial in Croatian Catholic Church. In – B. Radeljić, & M. Topić (eds.), Religion in the Post-Yugoslav Context. New York: Lexington (Rowman and Littlefield Group).

M. Topić (2014). From Haskalah toward Re-Interpretation of Tradition: A Crisis in American Reform Judaism in the 21st Century. In – Ganiel. G.; Winkel, H., & Monnot, C. (eds.), Religion in Times of Crisis, Association for the Sociology of Religion: Social Order’s book series. Leiden: Brill.

M. Topić; S. Sremac (2014). Introduction: Europe as a Multiple Modernity. In – Topić, M.; Sremac, S. (eds.), Europe as a Multiple Modernity: Multiplicity of Religious Identities and Belonging. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

S. Sremac; M. Topić (2014). Concluding Remarks: Are Contested Identities in the Public Sphere Sacred of Secular? In – Topić, M., & Sremac, S. (eds.), Europe as a Multiple Modernity: Multiplicity of Religious Identities and Belonging. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

M. Topić (2014). A European Intifada? On the New form of an Old European Anti-Semitism in the New Millennium. In – Topić, M., & Sremac, S. (eds.), Europe as a Multiple Modernity: Multiplicity of Religious Identities and Belonging. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

M. Topić; C. Sciortino (2012). Cultural Diplomacy and Cultural Imperialism: A Framework for the Analysis. In – Topić, M., & Rodin, S. (eds), Cultural diplomacy and Cultural imperialism: European perspective(s). Frankfurt a. M: Peter Lang.

M. Topić (2012). Culture and Identity as Tools for Forging Europeanization. In – Topić, M.; Rodin, S. (eds), Cultural diplomacy and Cultural imperialism: European perspective(s). Frankfurt a. M: Peter Lang.