
#Film Review: Netflix’s Day of the Dead: Bloodline (2018)

Director: Hèctor Hernández Vicens

Rating: 1/5

This film is a remake of 1985 classic by George A. Romero, this time done in Netflix’s production.

The story of the film is centred on Zoe (Sophie Skelton), a doctor doing research in epidemiology. She is harassed by a maniac Max (Johnathon Schaech) who tries to assault her after she rejected him. As the assault was about to happen in the morgue, the dead walked and killed Max turning him in a zombie.

Zoe moves to the army headquarters in a desperate search for the cure to save humanity, and when a little girl gets sick she urges the army to accompany her back to her office to take supplies. However, Max is there now half zombie and half human. He does not try to attack her immediately but follows her and her crew back to the headquarters and causes havoc. He still speaks and tells her she belongs to him but does not kill her immediately. The major part of the film is thus dealing with the havoc Max caused and Zoe’s attempt to find a cure. There is an expected happy end and a love story between Zoe and Baca (Marcus Vanco).

The film is not well made unfortunately and the acting is not convincing. We do not feel the fear of actors when dealing with zombies and we certainly do not feel the horror and dismay Zoe should have felt when she realised Max is still after her, even now when he is a half zombie. The way fighting has been portrayed is also not very convincing, and it seems to move either too fast or too slow.

I was excited when I received an email from Netflix with this new addition to the programme, but the film did not match my expectations.

Thank you for reading.


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