
A Socially Engaged and Impactful Research

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I am a behavioural sociologist and mass communication scholar. I am an ILM Level 3 Organisational Coach (currently training for an ILM Level 5 Business Coach) certified by the Institute for Leadership and Management (ILM), London, UK.

My research explored issues such as the behaviour of journalists and activists in forming the nation in the 19th century. I also studied the position of women in mass communications industries (advertising, PR, journalism) focusing particularly on women’s behavioural and communication styles and career progression. In that, I conceptualised the concept of ‘blokishness’ and argued that only women who embrace, what is culturally known, as masculine communication and behavioural styles go ahead in their careers as they become ‘one of the boys’, thus joining the masculine habitus (Bourdieu). Equally, in my work on corporate social responsibility, I explored how the press writes on CSR linking this to the behaviour of journalists, particularly in reference to sourcing stories and how journalists write about environmental issues and economic growth, arguing that the two do not go together and that CSR is a smokescreen for capitalism with advocates for CSR being ‘CSR cheerleaders’ who perpetuate environmental destruction and exploitation of natural resources. I have also explored the issue of social class as a wicked problem that continually causes inequality and the lack of opportunities and have consistently argued that equal societies are better for everyone, but one will not be achieved unless we start tackling the issue of class and poverty whenever and wherever we can find it.

My current research looks at the campaigning efforts of the UK Government and how Government campaigning affects the behaviour of the public. Current research in this area includes studying colours in the vaccine campaign for COVID-19 and historical behavioural campaigns of the UK Government targeted at changing social behaviour during flu and cold seasons. I am also looking at the behavioural and communication styles of eco-activists to explore issues such as how could sustainable living be increased by changing the behaviour of a largely individualistic country such as the UK, as well as the behaviour of radical environmental activists. In addition to that, I continue my PR research, currently by also looking at networking, coaching and wellbeing in PR respective of leadership and behavioural styles.

I was an author and project lead of the ‘Women in UK’s Advertising Industry’ project (funded by the British Academy), ‘Women in Journalism’ (HEFCE funded) and ‘Working-class Students and the Higher Education in England’ (HEFCE funded). I also led the ‘Women in Public Relations’ project (EUPRERA, 2018-2021) and I currently lead the EUPRERA research network on ‘Women in PR’. I am also a research lead for the #WECAN project (Women Empowered through Coaching and Networking) funded by the European Social Fund and the Department for Work and Pensions.

I hold PhD in Marketing, Public Relations and Communications (Leeds Beckett University, 2019), PhD in Sociology (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2013), Postgraduate Diploma in Media and Journalism (City University London, 2007), Master degree in Political science (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Political Science, 2003), and Master degree in Journalism (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Political Science, 2003). A PhD in Sociology defines me, my research and my worldview.

I worked as a journalist for several years in the print media in Croatia, Slovenia and Italy (2003-2009). Since 2007, I work in academia. At first, I worked as a research fellow and teaching assistant at the University of Zagreb (12/2007-12/2013), and then as a Graduate Teaching Assistant at Leeds Beckett University (07/2014-05/2016). From May 2016 to December 2017 I worked as a Lecturer in Public Relations at Leeds Beckett University, where I taught a variety of modules in Journalism, Public Relations and Marketing. From December 2017 until September 2021, I worked as a Senior Lecturer in Public Relations and from September 2021 to November 2023, I worked as a Reader at Leeds Business School, Leeds Beckett University. Since October 2023, I have worked as an associate professor in public relations leadership at the University of Alabama, College of Communication and Information Sciences, Department of Advertising and PR, United States.

I have worked on several research projects, i.e. UNESCO Media Development Indicators (2008-2009), FP7 Identities and Modernities in Europe (2009-2012), European Commission’s Public Service Employment project (2017) and COMPETE IN project funded by the European Commission (2019-2021).

I am also editor-in-chief of Corporate Communications: An International Journal and editor-in-chief of a book series I established with Emerald, ‘Women, Economics and the Labour Relations’. In addition to that, I am the editor-in-chief of the ‘Northern Lights: A Film & Media Yearbook’. 

Finally, as a result of a programme of projects I authored and led on women in mass communication industries, I authored and lead a Comms Women Advocacy Initiative championing women and those who support women.

This website contains information about my scholarly and professional work and my blog. The blog is mostly about popular culture, which is my passion (aside from cats!) and recently, a book club/book reviews.

Full work experience is available on my LinkedIn Profile.


This is a personal website, and what I write here has nothing to do with my paid work, i.e. views expressed here are mine only and do not necessarily relate to my employer and/or institutions I am affiliated with. Everything I publish on this website is my own choice and I am not paid for running this website or writing a blog.